Monday, February 28, 2005

Another Week, Another Bug (Sorta)

All the insects reminded me of this shot. It's Rob's old Kawasaki ZX-9R, which, unfortunately, was stolen. Even though it only contains about 3 million pixels, this photo made quite a nice 20x30 poster, which I gave to Rob a couple of years ago. He also uses it as a desktop background, as did I, for a while. Now he has a gorgeous ZX-6RR (also in Kawasaki Green), so I need to make him a new poster.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This Week's Photos

Sticking with the insect theme, this week (and the last--I figure 8 photos can cover two weeks) I've posted butterflies. I think this takes care of my large batches. From here on out there'll only be one or two per week.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A Photo a Week

Some members of the Leica User's Group have been doing "a photo a week" since 2000--shooting and sharing one good photo online each week. The original idea was to encourage everyone involved to get out and shoot more. So I thought I'd give it a try, but my rule is simply to post one good photo a week.

My goal is slightly different from that of the Leica folks. I've already got dozens of photos that I consider good enough to share. My real goal is to get them printed and hung, but first I need a good idea of what I have, and this seems like a managable pace. It feels like cheating to post shots more than a week old, but, at the same time, I don't want to let them rot on my hard drive.

For my first post I tried to ease my conscience about cheating by posting five photos. They're all shots of praying mantises, and it would really be cheating to post one each week. So I got it out of my system by posting them all at once. Incidentally, the one you see here is my least favorite of the group, so check out the others.